About this blog and its purpose

There are many things to do in Activeworlds virtual reality environment. I've chosen my way. It is a way of a builder. There are also many ways to build. My way is to create a virtual town.

The town is Horizon City. It was established January 2000 and it quickly became one of the most popular cities back then, with hundreds of builders. Besides that the town serves as historic reminder of how things were at Activeworlds, it is still constantly developing virtual experience, displaying latest features and architectural possibilities.

In this blog I will keep track how the things are going in Horizon City and in Activeworlds community.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Rawhiti Falls

Lord Perception is back in Horizon City. He continues building in his section of the city, which is now called Rawhiti Falls. I quote his blog here:
"Rawhiti Falls is born. Located in the Eastern sector of Horizon City, this will probably become my sole primary project in ActiveWorlds. The main theme of the estate will be centered around landscapes including rivers, gorges, bush land and of course falls, with some buildings amongst the scene."

Big welcome back to one of the greatest builders, Lord Perception!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New ad picture with 600m visibility

There is a new advertisement image for Horizon City. It is made by smoothing the original Horizon City blueprint from late 1999 with new long distance visibility screenhots. AW's camera feature is handy for making those long visibility screenhots. For the new ad I added almost ten of those screenhots to make one solid image with about 600m virtual visibility. Direct url to the new ad is horizoncity.cjb.net/2007ad3.jpg

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hills'n'builds - new area forming

About 150 coords to west from Horizon City center is a new area opened for talented builders. You don't find pre-built plots from there as there is no limit for areas size or shape for builders. Three beautiful buildings have already been built and hills for basic landscaping formed. River is connected there too and we're currently adding trees and other nature elements there.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Water escapes the city

Horizon City is also known of its large water areas. Now a river around the city GZ has is drying! But only temporarily as most of the water will be replaced with less laggy surface with some V4 features on it. As the area is quite large, I'm going to try object group loading, presets, to get it built faster.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Small steps

For a long time the city got a new builder! There are now 376 individual builders in Horizon City area. Unfortunately most of them are not building anymore at anywhere in this environment. Running a city here seems not to be as easy as it used to be. I heard that there is only two active cities in Alphaworld these days. Hopefully larger amount of users will join us and new cities and communities are born again.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

V4 is here

Yesterday I got rights to use Activeworlds' new features called 'V4' in their biggest building worlds, Alphaworld. There is only limited amount of users who has those rights in Alphaworld. V4-rights enables for users to build special effects such as movers, particles and zones in addition to normal building rights.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Horizon City and Activeworlds

Horizon City is a multi-user built virtual 3D town in Activeworlds virtual reality environment. The city was established 7 years ago and it is still one of the best of its kind.

In this blog I will keep track how the things are going in Horizon City and in Activeworlds community. Nothing too serious is to be expected here.