After lost of another good friend Seiya summer 2011, I lost my motivation to create any new buildings. I let my citizenship to expire December 2011. I wish all good to Seiya, where ever she is...
After almost a year, I am back now with my citizenship renewed and I'm going to start to create those builds in ActiveWorlds environment once again. There's more to come and many projects still waiting. I'll try to keep this blog updated too.
About this blog and its purpose
There are many things to do in Activeworlds virtual reality environment. I've chosen my way. It is a way of a builder. There are also many ways to build. My way is to create a virtual town.
The town is Horizon City. It was established January 2000 and it quickly became one of the most popular cities back then, with hundreds of builders. Besides that the town serves as historic reminder of how things were at Activeworlds, it is still constantly developing virtual experience, displaying latest features and architectural possibilities.
In this blog I will keep track how the things are going in Horizon City and in Activeworlds community.